Quality Management
Quality ManagementQuality ManagementWhat does this word? Why become a word in months, these days? The secret of fame?
Quality as it is in the Oxford dictionary means (the high degree of quality or value). The institution, known. De. Any. U.S. specialized in training and preparing companies to become Mtsfah quality, that it (the correct completion of the works at the correct times).And speaks of the Chairman and the executive body of the institution, Dr. George H. successful. Apoviz to say: The reputation of quality is necessary for the future of your company. And adds (and I think that most of us agree on this concept of salt soon, as we understand quality as an issue of survival and to continue to work).
The quality comes not from wishful thinking will not get the organization or individual as soon talk about it, but that the members of the institution from its president at the top of the top of the pyramid, to the employees in the normal workplace, and in various jobs, dedicate themselves to all for the sake of access to quality.
And quality you need to keep multiple substrates alive and active all the time .. These pillars are:
Meet the needs of the client:
Here we must note that the customer is your colleague at work made him the service or information or data, it needs to complete its work, or that it is the external customer will be provided with the organization that operates the service or product .. So here we must provide exceptional service and the right of the client at the time and the time which the client is in need of it to the service, or product. The provision of the service or the wrong product or the time is appropriate, always lead to customer dissatisfaction, and possibly lost.
Full interaction:
This means that all members of the organization are interested in working together to achieve quality; Everyone in the place responsible for what he is doing the work or services, and to be produced, it is characterized by quality. This also means that quality is everyone's responsibility, not the responsibility of the department or group.
Estimate or measurement:
This means it is possible to measure the progress that has been made in the process of quality .. We see that when workers know where they became? What is the distance they have made in the quality journey? They - and no doubt - are encouraged to complete their role; to access what they want to accomplish.
Regular support:
Regular basic support payment of the institution towards quality, it should be the institution to develop regulations and laws are in their entirety in the crucible of quality, and promoting ways to achieve them. The strategic planning, budgeting and performance management, multiple methods to develop and promote quality within the institution.
Continuous improvement:
The successful organizations are always conscious and attentive to their work, and are also ways to monitor business performance, and is always seeking ways to develop and improve performance. These institutions raise the level of effectiveness and performance, and encourages its employees to innovate and innovation.
The quality lasts and will last as long as the organization take care of her, and make it a constitution and the rule is based upon, and here we must say that for the institution to some international awards as testimony Aso, or the Dubai Quality Award, making the institution in a distinct difficult for them to give it up for whatever reason.
Quality as it is in the Oxford dictionary means (the high degree of quality or value). The institution, known. De. Any. U.S. specialized in training and preparing companies to become Mtsfah quality, that it (the correct completion of the works at the correct times).And speaks of the Chairman and the executive body of the institution, Dr. George H. successful. Apoviz to say: The reputation of quality is necessary for the future of your company. And adds (and I think that most of us agree on this concept of salt soon, as we understand quality as an issue of survival and to continue to work).
The quality comes not from wishful thinking will not get the organization or individual as soon talk about it, but that the members of the institution from its president at the top of the top of the pyramid, to the employees in the normal workplace, and in various jobs, dedicate themselves to all for the sake of access to quality.
And quality you need to keep multiple substrates alive and active all the time .. These pillars are:
Meet the needs of the client:
Here we must note that the customer is your colleague at work made him the service or information or data, it needs to complete its work, or that it is the external customer will be provided with the organization that operates the service or product .. So here we must provide exceptional service and the right of the client at the time and the time which the client is in need of it to the service, or product. The provision of the service or the wrong product or the time is appropriate, always lead to customer dissatisfaction, and possibly lost.
Full interaction:
This means that all members of the organization are interested in working together to achieve quality; Everyone in the place responsible for what he is doing the work or services, and to be produced, it is characterized by quality. This also means that quality is everyone's responsibility, not the responsibility of the department or group.
Estimate or measurement:
This means it is possible to measure the progress that has been made in the process of quality .. We see that when workers know where they became? What is the distance they have made in the quality journey? They - and no doubt - are encouraged to complete their role; to access what they want to accomplish.
Regular support:
Regular basic support payment of the institution towards quality, it should be the institution to develop regulations and laws are in their entirety in the crucible of quality, and promoting ways to achieve them. The strategic planning, budgeting and performance management, multiple methods to develop and promote quality within the institution.
Continuous improvement:
The successful organizations are always conscious and attentive to their work, and are also ways to monitor business performance, and is always seeking ways to develop and improve performance. These institutions raise the level of effectiveness and performance, and encourages its employees to innovate and innovation.
The quality lasts and will last as long as the organization take care of her, and make it a constitution and the rule is based upon, and here we must say that for the institution to some international awards as testimony Aso, or the Dubai Quality Award, making the institution in a distinct difficult for them to give it up for whatever reason.
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